NameThatPornstar Site Review
Have you ever stumbled upon some porn video and you were unable to identify a particular babe? This happens to a lot of people and Name That Pornstar has an incredible community of fucks that will help you out.
All you need to do is supply a photo, gallery or video of the porn star you want to find and the community will try and identify them for you. If they do, you will be rewarded with points!
Es ist einfach zu benutzen
If you’ve ever been watching porn and a certain girl has railed your mind with her sexy presence, it’s possible that you want to identify her. The good news is that there are a few sites that allow you to do this easily and free.
NameThatPornstar is one of them, and it’s a unique pornstar identification site that doesn’t require you to register an account. All you need to do is post a photo, video or gallery URL and the community will try to help you out.
Another cool thing about this site is that it has a reverse image search feature which means you can find visually similar images of sexy performers from around the internet. In fact, the site boasts a 37% success rate, which is impressive to say the least!
The site also gives users a list of the top users on their homepage. It’s a great way to see what others have identified and maybe get some motivation to work harder on your own.
Es ist schnell
Namethatpornstar is a unique porn star identification community that doesn’t require you to register an account. Rather, you simply post the URL of the image or video you’d like to identify and hundreds of sexy freaks will happily help you out.
The site has a very clean and intuitive layout, and navigation is simple and straightforward. At the top of the page is a search box, but you can also add requests or browse by category (from a dropdown hamburger menu).
The homepage welcomes you with a list of all open and solved requests, as well as embedded videos. You can also check out the success rate, which is a measure of how many users have been able to identify a porn star from their photo or video. The site also offers incentives in the form of points for each correct identification. On the right side of the home page is a list of users who have accumulated the most points.
Es ist kostenlos
NameThatPornstar is an innovative site that brings a unique element to the porn world. It is the first of its kind that lets you identify a porn star by showcasing her best pictures and videos to the masses. With a cleverly designed UI and a user-friendly interface, it is also one of the fastest sites to browse through. It is a one stop shop for any porn lover, with sexy video clips and images, plus all the latest news on the sexiest babes around. The site also boasts a few other interesting features, including a nifty reverse image search feature. This allows you to find visually similar pics of a given porn star in other locations across the web.
The website is free to use and is a lot of fun. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to send in your sexy photos and videos, and the quality of the pictures and videos will keep you coming back for more.
Es ist eine Gemeinschaft
Whether you’re stroking your meat rod to a hardcore gangbang scene, or rubbing it out with a hot slut, chances are you’ve at least once found yourself in a situation where you were unable to identify a pornstar from a video. And that’s when a database like namethatpornstar comes in handy.
It’s a community where users submit the URL of a photo, video or gallery to a group of porn-addicted freaks who will try to identify the porn star from their image and award points to those who help them out. They also have a reverse image search feature that can help you find visually similar photos and videos of the same model.
Overall, it’s a minimalist site that’s easy to use. You can add requests, browse by category (from a dropdown hamburger menu), open and solved requests, and embedded videos. You can even see a list of the users who have the most points.
Although I mostly agree with the review, there’s a huge problem with NTP and that is moderation. That site is full of spammers and it has illegal content posted in it that doesn’t get removed because they don’t moderate.
If you choose to click on the questionmark at namethatpornstar to report content then you are forced to enter your email and check a box that allows them to save your IP which is insane.