420chan.org review
420Chan.org Site Review
420chan is an imageboard founded by Aubrey Cottle on 20 April 2005. It was named after 420, a slang word originating in cannabis culture and now applicable to drug use more generally.
Initially, 420chan had four types of people going there: druggies, wrestling fans, horny teenagers and antisocial intellectuals. But over time they have added more boards to cater to more specialized niches.
420Chan is a social networking site
420Chan.org is an imageboard based mainly on recreational drug use, however it also has boards related to academia, humor, wrestling, and hentai. The site was used by the hacker collective Anonymous for staging raids against web platforms such as Habbo Hotel and Hal Turner.
During its early history, 420chan was primarily known for hosting a board called /i/, which was one of the most important and influential in Anonymous’s history. This board was a center of the Hal Turner and Subeta raids, and fostered and transformed Anonymous into a powerful and destructive force.
The board is supported by over 230,000 posts in its adult (straight) area, which ranges from camgirls like Miss Alice to suicide girls, insertion videos and fit chicks. Despite the presence of many spam posts in this section, it is still one of the best on 420Chan.
The website and its layout is reminiscent of 4chan, but the content on this chan is a little different. Nevertheless, if you are looking for an anonymous place to post porn photos and videos, 420Chan is a great option.
It is a forum
420Chan is a forum that focuses on marijuana and drugs. It also has a blog section and community features. The forum is easy to use and works on any computer or mobile device. There are no ads, so it is very convenient to use.
It is a very good place to talk about drug related topics. It has over 13 different boards that cover all of the fucking drugs out there, as well as wrestling and hentai sections.
It is very popular with drug users, antisocial intellectuals, and wrestling fans. It also has a board for horny teenagers. 420chan is an excellent place to get high, talk about sex, and see a little bit of porn. It also has many other boards for a variety of different topics, including music, video games, and technology. It is a great place to find friends and discuss your favorite topics. You can even sign up for a subscription to get notified when new posts are made.
It is a blog site
420Chan is an adult message board that is filled with people who love to talk about sex. Its main feature is that it allows users to share pictures without being traced back to them.
There are a lot of different types of posts on this site, and they range from amateur to professional in nature. Some of the popular content niches include camgirls, suicide girls and insertion videos.
In addition to being a blog, 420Chan is also a forum. It features a number of discussion boards, and each one has its own set of rules.
This is a great way to connect with your audience and build your brand. It also allows you to monetize your website by offering advertising and sponsored content.
The site has a black and green homepage with a sample of the latest posts at the top right side of the page. The main tabs include Info, Drugs, Lifestyle, Academia and Media. The homepage also has a search board at the bottom left.
It is a community
420chan is an image board that is primarily based on recreational drug use, but it also has boards related to academia, humor, wrestling and hentai. The site is famous for its /i/nsurgency board, which was the center of the Hal Turner and Subeta raids.
Despite its popularity, 420chan is actually quite a dangerous place to be. The community is filled with junkies, horny virgins and antisocial freaks.
The chan is also famous for being the home of Kirtaner, the sick drug addict pedophile who might not even leave his own daughter alone. He is also known for his Flonne avatar, which yells “Etna_Is_My_Wife”.
Nevertheless, the chan has several unique features that make it worth visiting. The main feature is the drugs section, which focuses on every fucking drug available in the world. Other features include a music board and a /sh/ section for shitty stuff. The site is run by a single guy named Failnonymous.