konachan.com review
Anime Site Review – Konachan
Konachan is a community forum site that focuses on anime images. It’s similar to Danbooru in that it uses a comprehensive tag system to categorize and archive images for easy search. However, despite its anime focus, the community on Konachan uploads a fucking load of shit porn! The images are all fantasy drawings of mildly sexy Japanese schoolgirls, and they don’t give a fuck about whether or not this is porn.
It’s a porn site
Konachan is a site with plenty of anime images on it. These are all very well drawn, and a lot of them are fucking cute! The problem with this site though, is that the community of cunts who upload their drawings to this site also upload a fuckload of shitty photos. This is the problem with most community forum sites that I review on this site. They have a healthy community, but they are not willing to give any fucks about whether or not the images that they upload on their site contain porn. They just want to get their images on the internet.
It’s a good site
Konachan is an anime-focused imageboard (or “booru”) that utilizes a comprehensive tag system for archiving and searching images. The image upload and tagging process is entirely crowdsourced, depending on users to build the database. It is based on Moebooru, a modified fork of Danbooru. The Posts tab is the site’s primary navigation tool, where users can find content quickly and efficiently. The site’s unlimited pagination works well, and a search bar can be added to the sidebar for quick access to posts of interest. However, if you want more than a few pages of sexy images, you will probably be disappointed with the community on Konachan. Fortunately, there are plenty of other anime sites with more sexy content! So go check them out, and then come back here for more reviews!